With the advancement of the internet, and growing number of users who have access to the internet , Social networking has become increasingly popular. Social networking is defined as, the practice of expanding the number of business and/ or social contacts by making connections through individuals. Social networking sites serves the purpose of making it possible for people to interact and communicate with each other, and it is also used by businesses to promote their products or services.
The popularity of many social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other sites have seen a major increase. It is true that social networking sites are growing, but they also has positive and negative attributes. People who view social networking sites as being positive, argue that these online communities promote increased communications with friends and family, promote learning of computer skills, and also allow for global communication. Those opposed of social networking sites may argue that they, invade our privacy, isolate us from reality, expose children to predator, lower worker productivity, and promote narcissism. I argue that the lack of privacy is definitely a growing problem in social networking sites, like Facebook. The information you write on social networking sites , can be used to gather personal information about yourself, from companies and sometimes even identity thieves. According to the article ‘’ Leaving ‘ Friendsprints ‘: How Online Social Networks are Redefining Privacy and Personal Security ‘’, users who post information, create a fingerprint – like pattern of behavior that can be used to compile data and gather personal information about themselves.
Another article from The Chronicle of higher Education , ‘’ Who cares About Facebook Privacy ? Students do ‘’, mentioned that researches, reported that most Facebook users engagement with privacy settings has increased significantly. I believe that more people are becoming aware that sharing too much personal information about yourself on social network sites can have a negative outcome. For example, before hiring a potential employee companies now are looking at that person’s social networking sites. If that person has a lot of inappropriate content, or misleading information about themselves the employer may not want to hire that individual.
Social networking sites can also play a positive role in society. Social networking provide users with free messaging, blogging, photo storage, games, event invitations, and many other services. People with common interest can communicate together, and be exposed to new ideas from all over the World. People who may have difficulty communicating in person are more comfortable interacting through social networking sites. Social networking sites are also creates sites for people dealing with life altering diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, and other issues. These sites help introduce people to others who are dealing with similar issues and provide information, contacts, peer support, and encouragement.
Social networking sites are not only beneficial to individuals, but also help businesses promote their products or services. I’m sure every time you log into your facebook , Myspace, Twitter, or any other form of social networking site , you will notice an advertisement from a company. Many companies spend millions of dollars to advertise their products or services on social networking sites, in an attempt to attract the many users of these sites. In order to make to keep up with the new generation , large and small companies will need to develop new ways of attracting online consumers.
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