Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blogs vs. Wikis

                         B L O G S    VS     W I K I S  

      Blogs and Wikis are both considered to be new media’s, they share similarities and have differences. Both of these media's are used by people all over the World to share ideas, to communicate  with  each  other, to gather information, to  read  about  what  others  are  doing , and  used as  a great way to  past  time.

    Wikipedia defines a blog as a discussion or information site, that consists of discrete entries known as post. These posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, which means the most recent post will appear first. Some people view a blog as an online journal, because it allows an individual, or group of individuals, to share events and personal ideas with online viewers.

      A wiki is a database of web pages that allows users to create and modify pages. Wiki allows visitors to the web site to edit the content of the site from their own computer. When you go on wiki, you have the ability to change contents or create new ones. Although wiki gives you the opportunity to change and edit contents, some people abuse this right and add false information. Over the years there has been an increase of false information being created on wiki pages about famous people. According to an article from The New York Times entitled '' Wikipedia to limit changes to Articles on people '' to prevent this from happening, Wikipedia plans on imposing '' flagged revisions'' which will require that an experienced volunteer editor for Wikipedia sign off on any changes made by the public before it goes live. The chairman of Wikimedia board Michael snow, said “There was a time probably when the community was more forgiving of things that were inaccurate or fudged in some fashion — whether simply misunderstood or an author had some ax to grind. There is less tolerance for that sort of problem now.” I agree that websites should take the appropriate steps in making sure that individuals aren't abusing the sites.

    What makes a blog different from Wiki ? :

1. ) A blog is more personal

2.) A posting is owned by a poster

3.) Aim of a blog is more conversational

4.) The content is considered to be static : once posted , the posting doesn't change

5.) The content is displayed in reverse chronological order

6.) Comments are encouraged to keep the conversation going

7.) The intent is personal

   What makes a Wiki different from a Blog ? :

1.) A wiki is open to collaboration

2.) Topics are public and owned by everyone

3.) Aim of a wiki is creation of documents

4.) Content can be revised by anyone

5.) Content is displayed in nodes/ tree structure

6.) Comments are not expected

7.) The intent is informational

    In today's society there is a growing use of networking sites from users all over the World. These user's are constantly looking for a networking site that can keep them entertained, is easy to use and provide them with a variety of information. In order to keep up with the demands of these users, networking sites will  have to  become  more  innovated. Some  networking  sites  have  decided  to  collabrate  with  each  other  to  share  ideas ,  and  attract  new  viewers. Blogs  can  be  used  for  collaboration  because  it  is a  great  way  to  express  ideas,  and  it  is  more  interactive. Wikis should  make  their  web  pages  more  interactive ,  and create a  way for  individuals to communicate  with  each  other.

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